Tuesday, November 30, 2010

L11:Leadership Through Strategic Internal Communication

In this chapter is focus on establish leadership through strategic communication with employees. Describe the rule of strategic employee communication and how to ensure employee are equipped to make the greatest possible contribution to success your organization. How to ensure your internal communication achieve, here are the main topic you should be able to know: 1 supportive management, 2Targeted messages, 3 Effective media, and forums. 4 Well-positioned staff, 5 ongoing assessments. In this section we understand that how to develop internal communication strategy and aiming toward reaching some of the best practice discuss. In using vision and mission to internal communication, they are five steps we need to know they include: 1 create initial draft, 2 clarify the meaning, 3 tell the world in 25 words or less what you are and what you want to become, 4 develop the strategic objectives to make the vision specific and actionable, 5hold cascading meeting with employees to test the mission and the vision. Going through some soft of vision discuss, it can strengthen internal communication by bring forward and disagreements for senior manager can create a common, share view and focus. In the closing, we know the major efforts associated with change, internal communication is important to the success of any organization.

L10:High-Performing Team Leadership

In this chapter, we learn that, because teams are so commonly found in most organizations today, there is need for managers to learn how best to work with teams and to help ensure that teams perform at their peak.There is need for careful thought to be put into deciding whether to form a team for a particular purpose to meet a particular need, or to work through individuals acting alone and once the decision to form a team is made, there is need to ensure that the team has focus and delivers the results for which it was formed.Managers need to understand the people side of teams and learn how to address issues such as cultural differences, different personality types within the group and varying expectations of members from the team and the team experience.In the organised private sector here in Nigeria, there is a prevalence of teams in many organizations. There are sales teams, marketing teams, production teams etc. focused on helping organizations achieve their set goals and objectives. Hence, understanding team dynamics is crucial to one’s success as a manager.

L09:Meetings:Leadership and Productivity

With managers spending between 70 and 90 percent of their workday communicating, a great deal of this time is spent in business meetings.When meetings last too long or attendees fail to take meetings seriously or wander of topic during meetings, meetings tend to lose their value in organizations.Hence, it is essential that managers learn how to plan properly for meetings, manage meeting problems and conflicts effectively and ensure that meetings to into positive action for the organization.

L08:Cross-cultural literacy and communication

In this chapter, we learnt how emotional intelligence relates to leadership style and how cultural literacy relates to how effectively one communicates as a leader.There are definite steps that can be taken to improve one’s emotional intelligence and how well one.As a leader, one’s listening skills can also be improved upon.In communicating, there is need to pay close attention both verbal and non verbal communication elements in order to succeed as a leader.Mentoring is key part of leadership communication and providing feedback is essential to developing staff that report to us as managers.In the context of emotional intelligence, psychological tools like the MBTI can be used to understand oneself better and help identify possible areas for improvement.

N11:International and cross-cultural negotiation

This chapter is talk about the factors that make international negotiation different. Here are seven factors we need to know, they include: (1) political and legal pluralism, (2) international economics, (3) foreign governments and bureaucracies, (4) instability, (5) ideology, (6) culture, and (7) external stakeholders. From the Phatak and Habit’s five immediate context factors are discuss next: (1) relative bargaining power, (2) levels of conflict, (3) relationship between negotiators, (4) desired outcomes, and (5) immediate stakeholders. We understand that these environmental and immediate context factors acts to make international negotiations more difficult, effective international negotiators need to understand how to manage.In next section we discuss how to conceptualize culture. We discuss 10 ways that culture can influence negotiation: (1) the definition on negotiation, (2) negotiation opportunity, (3) selection of negotiators, (4) protocol, (5) communication, (6) time sensitivity, (7) risk propensity, (8) groups versus individuals, (9) nature of agreements, (10) emotionalism. We know the effects of culture on negotiation outcomes negotiation process, negotiator cognition, and negotiator ethics. In the clothing choosing the correct strategy for a given negotiation is the degree of familiarity that a negotiator has with the other culture.

N10:Multiple Parties and Teams

The purpose for this chapter is to understand how the negotiation process changes when there are more than two parties at the table simultaneously. In the beginning, we begin to talk about there are differ from two parties deliberations in several important ways. They include: number of parties, informational and computational complexity, social complexity, procedural complexity, strategic complexity. As we understand multiparty negotiation looks a group decision making because it involves a group of parties trying to reach a common solution. There are the flowing things we should know: test assumptions and inferences, share all relevant information, focus on interest, not positions, be specific-use examples, agree on what important words mean, explain the reasons behind one’s statements, questions, and answers. Disagree openly with any number of the group, make statements, then invite questions and comments, jointly design ways to test disagreements and solutions, discuss undiscussable issues, keep the discussion focused, do not take cheap shots or otherwise distract the group, expect to have all members participate in all phases of the process, exchange relevant information with nongroup members, make decisions by consensus, conduct a self-critique.There are three key stages that characterize multilateral negotiations: prenegotiation, actual negotiation, and managing the agreement. The main idea for this section is tell us how to manage when thing happen, in the real world today we need to face conflict between two groups, and also how to deal with team members.In the closing, we have learned how to move toward a successful completion: move the group toward selecting one or more of the options, shape and draft the tentative agreement, discuss whatever implementation and follow up or next step need to occur, thank the group for their participation, organize and facilitate the postmortem.

N09:Relationships in Negotiation

In this chapter we have explored the way existing relationships shape negotiation. We have learned in experimental research setting, consisting of two negotiating parties who don’t know each other, don’t expect to deal with each other. The book also talks about three major issues that are important to know. Reputation is the legacy that negotiators leave behind after a negotiation encounter with another party. Trust, there are three things relate to the level of trust, they are: the individual’s chronic disposition toward trust; situation factors; the history of the relationship between the parties. Justice as we can easy to see, they have four different types of justice need to know, they include: distributive justice; procedural justice; interactional justice; and systemic justice.

N08:Ethics in Negotiation

In this chapter, we have discussed factors that negotiation consider when they decide whether particular tactics are deceptive and unethical. We began to discuss how ethical questions are inherent in the process of negotiation, and then presented four approaches to ethical reasoning. We discussed the different forms that ethically ambiguous tactics take; we analyzed the motives for and consequences of engaging in unethical negotiation behavior. In the final section we talk how negotiation can respond to another party that may be using tactics of deception.